A man rides in his Chariot. He is wearing armor with crescent moons on his shoulders; there is a face in those crescents. He wears a diadem with a large, eight-pointed star. On his breastplate is a square, the symbol for Earth.
His Chariot appears to be made of stone. It is being drawn by two sphinxes, black and white. These sphinxes are reminiscent of the columns of the High Priestess, which are also black and white. Again, this represents dualities.
The Charioteer does not use reins to control the sphinxes; he controls them through sheer force of will. Note that the sphinxes are looking in opposite directions. Without the Charioteer’s control, they would go off in different directions and the Chariot wouldn’t move.
On the Chariot there are two symbols. The winged sun is an ancient Zoroastrian symbol known as the Faravahar. It is said that this symbol refers to the personal spirit.
There is also a Hindu symbol of the yoni and lingam. The yoni represents the Hindu goddess Shakti. The lingam represents the Hindu god Shiva. The two symbols are united. Aside from representing the sex act, this stands for the uniting of masculine and feminine energy, and of other energies having a dual nature.
The Chariot stands for force of will, the imposition of conscious energy on the World.
Keywords: Force of will.