A man is seated on a throne facing to our left. He leans forward, as though ready to stand up. In his right hand he holds a Wand, the end of which rests on the ground.. A salamander is shown on the throne. There are salamander designs on his robe and on the back of his throne. Also on the back of the throne are lions. The King’s crown has a design representing flames.
Note that on the King’s throne and robe, the salamanders are curled into a circle, the head touching the tip of the tail. This is similar to the Ouroborus, the serpent swallowing its own tail. It signifies eternity, the processes of cycles. Note that in the Knight and Page of Wands, the salamanders do not curve as much; their heads and tails do not connect. For these cards, the cycle is not yet complete.
This is a man of power and action, an active man who might spring up from his throne at a moment’s notice. He faces to our left, which can symbolize the past; it also might represent the Attribute of Justice. He does not appear to be a merciful King.
Wands represent the element of Fire. This might manifest as someone with a fiery passion, sexual or otherwise.
If this card represents a person, they might be male (but not necessarily), red-haired, with blue eyes and ruddy skin. This physical description often doesn’t apply, though. This card may represent the energies of a person who doesn’t match the physical features. It may not represent a person at all…
The salamander was thought to be born in fire. Its appearance can signify rebirth, rising out of the flames.
Keywords: Powerful, active man. Fiery masculine energy.