
A young woman is shown closing the mouth of a lion. She does this calmly, without strain, the lion submitting meekly to her efforts. The lion’s tail is between his legs, his tongue seemingly licking the woman’s arm affectionately.

Above the woman’s head is the symbol for infinity, similar to the one above the head of the Magician. The woman has flowers for a crown, and more flowers on her person.

This card represents inner Strength, the Strength of character. The woman is closing the lion’s mouth. This symbolizes having control over the physical or animal nature, gently but firmly directing this energy, keeping it from running wild. It is done in such a way that the animal is not harmed – and in fact, in a way that the animal doesn’t even seem to mind.

In the Chariot, the Charioteer controlled the sphinxes through force of will. In Strength it is her character which empowers her. She does not use force to tame the beast.

It seems to me that the Chariot is vanquishing his enemies, overpowering them by his force. Strength doesn’t vanquish her enemies; she wins them over as allies.

Keywords: Self-control or self-mastery.