A man with a somewhat silly hat juggles two Pentacles contained within an infinity symbol. Behind him are rough seas with ships sailing on them. The man has one foot is raised, as though he were stepping or dancing. He certainly looks busy.
Overall this juggler looks uncomfortable, as though barely managing to keep everything going – to “keep all the balls in the air,” so to speak. He is trying to multitask, and at the moment he’s managing. The troubled sea behind him suggests that he isn’t at ease; that he’s in turmoil. He’s just this side of being too busy.
Some authors say that the infinity symbol means the juggler can handle anything that Life throws at him – an unlimited ability to manage. Maybe so; but even then, it’s still difficult. He’s working hard, even if he can handle it all.
I see this card as possibly hinting at doubt, having to make a decision and not being able to do so for some reason… juggling possibilities, having trouble deciding upon the course of action. Until the decision is made, the feeling is likely to be uncomfortable.