Four of Swords

A man lies on what appears to be a tomb in a church. There is a stained glass window in the background with an image of two people, one of whom has a halo. Possibly this is intended to represent Jesus. In the halo there appear to be the letters ‘P’, ‘A’, and ‘X’, spelling out “pax,” the Latin word for peace. Three Swords are mounted on a wall pointing downward. They appear to be pointing at the figure’s head, throat, and chest – some say the “third eye,” throat, and heart chakras. This card is sometimes referred to as the Knight’s Repose.

This card reminds us that sometimes we need to take time out of our activities, to rest, regroup, or just to gather our wits about us. We can’t always be charging forward, Sword drawn. Sometimes we need to rest and reflect. I wonder whether this is the same Knight as in the Knight of Swords card.