Four of Wands

Four Wands support a canopy burdened with an abundant harvest, sagging under the weight of the fruits. Women in the background carry more of the harvest on their heads. Still farther back, others are visible. There is a castle visible in the distance. The theme is abundance and celebration. Time to take a break from work and enjoy the fruits thereof.

This image can be seen as the outcome of the two previous images. Two of Wands showed planning for the future. Three of Wands showed taking action and waiting for results. Four of Wands shows enjoying the rewards of the effort; a celebration of the good things in life.

Note that there is an abundance of grapes, which might hint at wine and drinking. That may simply be a celebratory drink, but in excess it could point to a problem with alcohol. This would largely depend on other cards in the spread.

Keywords: Reaping the harvest. Fulfillment of plans. Celebration of abundance.