A Knight in armor rides his horse; the horse has reared up on its hind legs, as though eager to gallop. The Knight holds a Wand in his right hand. He has a large red feather in his helmet that has the appearance of a flame.
In the background are mountains or pyramids. There is no water to be seen, no vegetation, no indications of life or abundance. This is a desert.
On the Knight’s tunic there are salamanders, curled into a near circle; but their mouths don’t quite reach their tails. This bears looking into. In the Page of Wands, the salamander design is curved, but only slightly. In the Knight, the salamanders are curled almost into a circle. In the King, the salamanders are circled completely so that their tails are in their mouths. This symbolizes the cycle of life; it is an image of infinity, similar to Ouroborus, the snake that is eating its tail. The Pages show it in its beginning, the Knight in a more developed state, and the King in the completed state.
This shows a person of fiery temperament, likely to dash off at a moment’s notice without consideration. He may be impetuous, even reckless – foolhardy. As a Knight, he is not one to stay for long. He will leave to go on a quest.
Keywords: Fiery impatience. Headstrong. Violent activity.