Page of Wands

A young man stands still, regarding his Wand which he has rested on the ground. In his hat is a red feather, similar to the ones found in the Knight of Wands, the Sun, the Fool, and Death.

In the distance are mountains or pyramids. No water can be seen.

On his tunic are designs of salamanders curving around. In the King we see these salamanders with their tails in their mouths. In the Knight, these salamanders haven’t quite reached a full circle; and in the Page, they are not much curved at all.

Wands are fiery, passionate, and often hasty. This youth is not so. He has planted his Wand firmly on the ground as he regards it carefully.

Pages can represent someone with immature or inexperienced energy. As with all Court cards, the Page could be a young man or woman. Pages often bring news.

Keywords: Youthful activity.